Friday, September 28, 2012

Fixing a broken heart

How can you fix a broken heart????? have you ever experience having a heart break??? its almost a year since we broke up with my ex boyfriend. I was so down, frustrated, disappointed and and think I felt all the saddest emotions in this world. I couldn't imagine him being with someone else. During that time I was so vulnerable and very fragile.  But now I realized that everything has a reason. But for me to be able to be well emotionally, I did many many things just to keep myself busy so that I can no longer think of him and thank God I can now say I moved on. 

What are the things that helped me fix my heart?

After all the emotional and crying moments, I asked myself "why am I crying"? that question made me realized that I have been a looser and a fool. I have not realized that I already spent all my tears, heart, and emotions thinking about him yet he is just enjoying with his new girl.... well  I came to my senses that I am the looser then, so from that realization I did my best to stand up and to be strong. I always think that he is not worth it and most especially not worth it to be cried upon. He has no right at all to make me cry. And who is he? well he is just a boy, and there are still thousands of boys around the world. We may never know the right person for us But only God does. And also one of the strategy I did is seeking of God's word and there you will realized that there are so much better than your ex boyfriend. God's words are very refreshing, comforting and a great encouragement for us. And because I am really desperate to be really healed and well    I read books about true love waits and I tell you it is very effective. From that reading I have learned that I must maintain my standards and my self worth because nobody can give it rather than yourself . As woman in this world we must know that we are important and BOYS don't have the right to hurt us. We deserve respect, and we deserve love.

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